Tell us a little about yourself, Todd.
I grew up in Southeast Texas, so I have a high level of Texas pride. I love real BBQ and football as a result. I moved to Utah to attend BYU and graduated with a Business degree. My wife and I met at school and we have two daughters.
What is your title and role at BrainStorm?
Actually, I’m in the middle of changing roles. I am currently a Coordinator on the Client Engagements team, but I will soon be working on content strategy in Product Development.
How long have you worked at BrainStorm?
Two and a half years.
Why should a candidate want to work at BrainStorm?
I work with Microsoft daily. I drink the Kool-Aid straight from the fountain. I love the environment in Redmond: there is so much energy, beauty, and great people. After being on their corporate campus multiple times and working closely with them for years, I’m amazed at how BrainStorm delivers an unmatched experience for their employees. I'm sold on BrainStorm being the greatest place ever and never want to leave.

You can’t beat the culture and the environment at BrainStorm—the best people all united in a common goal.
What is your favorite BrainStorm memory?
Well, I made a deal with everyone that I would lose 30 pounds in 90 days. If I didn’t hit my goal, the team would be able to shave my head however they wanted.
I lost 25 pounds. The best part was an important Microsoft contact timed his trip so he could be a part of the madness. The haircut was awful, and I had to keep it for the whole day. There were a lot of laughs and fun at my expense. I loved it.
What are some of your hobbies outside of work?

To name a few:
- Slalom Skiing
- Movies
- Hiking
- Technology, especially Microsoft software and devices
- Travel
- Halo and Xbox games
- Singing
- Live theatre
- Talking, I can talk for hours
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