Yammer might be the answer to a successful Office 365 deployment

By Kaylyn Laws, May 22, 2015
Yammer might be the answer to a successful Office 365 deployment

The move to Office 365 is an exciting one—but it can also be daunting to end users who may anticipate productivity dips during the early stages of the migration.

One solution that has potential to not only make your Office 365 migration easier but also change your organization is Yammer. If you're not familiar with Yammer, visit www.about.Yammer.com and then come straight back here. All caught up? Good. Let's jump into things.

Using Yammer to realize the connected potential of your organization is a huge step towards becoming a more responsive and successful organization. In the context of a software migration—specifically Office 365—Yammer can catapult your organization into a new age of the modern workplace.

Below we've brainstormed (excuse the pun, we just can’t help ourselves) a handful of ways that you can use Yammer to assist your Office 365 Rollout.

Announce it loud and proud

Transparency is crucial when you make changes that will affect people’s work—particularly a major move to Office 365. Post announcements and other messages in relevant groups to publicize the coming changes and how those changes are valuable to the employees. As they say—an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Make it an event

YamJam's are Yammer hosted events that make senior managers and executives available to answer questions and provide additional information. A YamJam with the CIO, project managers, and other important leadership can provide the opportunity to have an open discussion about the move to Office 365, the support resources, and the benefits of the change.

Create deployment team communities

Be a tool for customers so they can leverage Yammer during their Office 365 rollout to increase adoption. Consider creating groups for specific audiences (departments, pilot users, etc.) to communicate vital information and updates regarding the rollout. Yammer can even be used to collect feedback and address frequent questions.

By utilizing Yammer during your Office 365 deployment, you can engage users in powerful ways that typical communications just can’t manage. By keeping communication lines open, creating user experiences, and fostering team communities, your migration is sure to be success.

Kaylyn Laws

From content creation to lead qualification, Kaylyn wears a lot of hats on the BrainStorm Marketing team. In her spare time, you can find Kaylyn playing really nerdy video games (#FinalFantasyForever), chasing her 4-year old, and snuggling her kitten, Puck.

Follow her on Twitter: @kaylyn_laws

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