What's standing in the way of user end adoption?

By , March 31, 2014
What's standing in the way of user end adoption?

Many businesses view the software adoption process as a dreaded workplace chore. When companies install new information technology tools, such as a new operating system, the need to properly train employees can give IT professionals headaches. In many cases, workers often feel they teach themselves just as easily. Other people are turned off by the prospect of investing time and resources into a company-wide training initiative.

It doesn't have to be this way for businesses. In fact, one of the biggest complications of any end user training process is when managers are unwilling to invest the proper energy necessary for streamlining the overall effort. Bringing workers up to speed with new technology and how it specifically applies to their daily operations actually becomes much easier when people change their attitudes about the process in general.

Here is a closer look at the major obstacles standing in the way of end user adoption:

No clear plan of action
Software training ceases to be a painful inconvenience when companies work together to map out the process. David Murphy, founder and membership director of the nonprofit organization International Association of Information Technology Trainers, explained to CIO the negative impacts of reduced IT budgets among businesses in a wide variety of industries. These trends have resulted in many companies leaving out the user end training process as a factor in the total cost of new software installation. Ignoring these valuable steps will only create greater costs in the long run, as employees find themselves wasting valuable time trying to figure out how to properly use a new operating system.

A lack of employee engagement
Tech Republic said training efforts need to speak to the specific needs and interests of individual employees. As a result, workers will likely feel more engaged throughout the entire process. This will not only expedite adoption, but it will also rejuvenate workplace morale. According to a recent survey from Virgin Pulse, an employee engagement division of Virgin America, people feel more comfortable and less stressed at work when they are fully invested in daily operations.

By eliminating these obstacles ahead of time, businesses have the opportunity to make user adoption programs run much more smoothly. Viewing the entire process as a waste of time may very well result in wasted time, money and other resources. However, with a strong plan of action and an engaging training platform, companies can effectively incorporate new IT software into the workplace without compromising productivity and morale.

At BrainStorm, we are “The End-User Experts”. We’ve got the resources and experience to make software success a reality in your organization. Contact us today!

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